麗葉報春苣苔 Primulina pulchurifolia 是其中一個迄今眾多尚未發表承認的報春苣苔屬原種之一。首先,在《華南苦苣苔科植物》本種的學名為 Chirita pulchurfolia ,但此拼法並不合乎拉丁語法,應加上 i 作連接代表美麗的「pulch-」和代表葉子意思的「folia」兩詞。麗葉報春苣苔在野外只有兩個族群,數量加起來也不超過200棵的稀少數量絕對遠低於國際瀕危物種等級IUCN的「極危」級別,但麗葉報春苣苔仍與許多未發表的皮草一樣仍未版考慮加入該物種名單中。在該兩個僅有的族群中,其中一個只有全綠葉個體,另一個族群有七成以上植株都具有美麗葉紋,而因此暫名為「麗葉」。
麗葉報春苣苔被認為與同樣原產於廣西龍州的光葉報春苣苔 Primulina leiophylla 相當接近而可能被列為其變種。同時花朵及花序卻與另一種皮草變色報春苣苔 Primulina varicolor 近似。圓齒狀葉緣及具短毛、與花梗上的紫紅色腺毛都是麗葉報春苣苔的重要辨識特徵。筆者也是在看到花後才能正確辨識,皆因這本來也是以錯誤的名字收到。本種生長速度稍慢,較需要悉心照料,幸繁殖尚算容易。希望本種能遷地保育,以防止正在消亡的原生地消失,該美麗的葉色更可試考慮引作皮草親本。
Nice and rare - there are really many interesting herbs from S. China. What is the temperature tolerance for this plant ? Can plants from GuangXi lowland grow well in the tropics ?
no idea, you could mention them as similar as those plants native to the limestone in western thailand.
but i could tell you some mid-level species are not hardy even in hong kong, for example: Chirita(P.) brassicoides. some lowland species could not tolerate too.